The testing program is designed to provide a systematic means of assessing student mastery of basic skills, to provide learning situations that require critical thinking skills, and to evaluate the academic program of the school.
- In September, January, and May, all students in grades 3 through 7 take computer adaptive standardized tests. Administered over time, Measure of Academic Progress (M.A.P.) provides a longitudinal view of student growth in core curriculum areas (reading, language arts, and mathematics).
- In December, grade 8 students take the High School Placement Test (H.S.P.T.). Basic skills in mathematics, reading and language arts are measured, in addition to cognitive skills. The format and style of this test are reviewed with the students.
- In May, grade 8 students take the World Language Placement Test (W.L.P.T.) to determine their level in the Spanish language. The results are used to ascertain eligibility for level two of the high school placement test. The minimum passing score is 77%.
- Students in grades 5 and 8 take the National Catholic Educational Association (N.C.E.A.) Assessment of Catholic Religious Education (A.C.R.E.), which measures religious knowledge, personal beliefs, and attitudes. This test is administered in the spring.
- In the fall and spring, preschool, kindergarten and grade 1 students undergo Phonological Awareness and Literacy Screening (P.A.L.S.). P.A.L.S. is a part of Virginia’s Early Intervention Reading Initiative, which focuses on providing early reading intervention.
Newly-registered students entering grades 2 through 8 may be required to complete reading and math assessments prior to the start of school.