Our band program is administered by the Garwood Whaley School of Music with Mr. Michael Evans as our Band Director.
Saint Ann Catholic School Band operates as an elective, extra-curricular pull-out class. In the Beginner Band program, Mr. Evans teaches students who are just taking up an instrument for the first time. Experienced musicians become a part of the Advanced Band and commit to an additional after school practice once a week. Instruments are usually rented through a local store at the beginning of the school year.
Beginner Band
The Saint Ann Catholic School Band draws student musicians from Grades 4 through 8. Grade 4 forms the major portion of the Beginner Band. However, beginners can come from any grade level and are highly encouraged to join. The Beginner Band meets for classes during the school day only.
Beginners, because of age and size, are asked to stay with one instrument during the first year of band and will be allowed to consider other instruments at the recommendation of the director.
Advanced Band
Advanced Band generally consists of students from 5th through 8th Grades with at least one year of experience. The beginner and the advanced programs take place on Mondays during the school year. Advanced Band members have classes during the school day and full band rehearsal after school.
Concerts at school are given by both groups in the winter and spring. Furthermore, Advanced Band members are able to participate in the Diocese of Arlington Band Festival and the Music in the Parks Spring Trip, when offered.
You may contact Mr. Evans at mevans@stann.org for more information on the Saint Ann Catholic School Band Program.