Clubs and Competitions
At Saint Ann Catholic School, we provide a variety of opportunities for students to come together to work as a team, pray as a family, and exceed even their own expectations. While there are enrichment activities after school, we host many in-school clubs for students.
Households: Multi-age groups, named for specific saints, in which grades K-8 students gather to complete service projects, play games, attend Mass, and celebrate. Household events take place occasionally throughout the school year.
Battle of the Books: Sponsored by our grade 5 teacher and our school librarian, a small group of students read and discuss fifteen books from a list set by the Diocese. In late spring, the Battle of the Books group competes against other schools to answer comprehension and comparative questions on the books they read.
National Geographic Geography Bee: Sponsored by members of the curriculum committee, students in grades 4-8 show off their knowledge of the world and everything in it, culminating in a final competition that occurs during Catholic Schools Week.
Choir: Students in grades 3 and up are welcome to practice weekly, after school, with our music teacher, and contribute their talents during weekly Mass, and school-wide concerts.
Student Council: Students in grades 6 and up are eligible to run for offices such as Chaplain, Historian, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President, and President. Students plan special events and activities based on input from their fellow classmates. Each class has two class representatives, one class representative and one alternative representative. Student Council is currently run by our middle school math teacher.
Math Club: A free, after-school activity for middle school students who choose to reinforce their math skills, and compete in a variety of math games, also sponsored by our middle school math teacher. Students are invited to be part of a Saint Ann’s competitive math team, which participates in a math competition against other Northern Virginia schools.
CRCC Cyber Robotics Coding Competition: A competitive club sponsored by our technology teacher, where students put their coding skills to the test against one another and other schools.
Robotics Club: A stress free and fun opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them by creating and running Lego Mindstorms robots. Offered by our technology teacher during the winter months.