Drop Off and Dismissal Pick Up
Morning Drop Off: Students can be dropped off in carpool starting at 7:35 am.
- Parents should use the Harrison Street entrance to enter the carpool lane. The carpool lane runs on the far right side of the school closest to the C&O Trail.
- Parents pull in to the carpool lane and come to a complete stop. Your door will be opened by the Saint Ann Safety Patrol students and your child will be escorted to the supervised courtyard.
- Students wait in the courtyard supervised until the bell rings at 7:45 am, signaling that students should enter their classrooms.
- 7:55 am is the official start of the school day. Students are required to be in their seats ready for the day to begin at this time.
- Preschool students with siblings in K – 8 can be dropped off in carpool with their siblings. Preschool students are escorted by patrols to their classrooms when they arrive.
- Parents will exit out of carpool onto Frederick Street. The carpool lane closes at 7:55 am when school officially begins. Parents should not drop their children off in front of the school in the cul-de-sac on Frederick as it blocks the carpool traffic.
Afternoon Dismissal and Pick Up: Students are dismissed at 3:15 pm.
- Walkers exit from the front door of the school on Frederick Street. Parents can wait for them in the courtyard near the playground.
- Extended Day children will be walked to the school gym.
- Students are released from the carpool lineup at 3:15 pm. Parents can wait for their child in the carpool area. A Safety Patrol will ring a bell to signal that students may be released to their parents and enter their cars.
- Once all students are in their cars and the Safety Patrols confirm the carpool lanes are clear, Safety Patrol will signal that the first row of cars can exit the parking lot onto Frederick Street.
- All drivers should enter our school grounds with care and make sure that cell phones are not being used while driving on our school grounds.