The CYO athletic program enjoys a rich tradition and has options for students in all grades, including basketball, tennis and track and field. Our teams participate in the Diocesan NVJCYO league which is committed to teaching Saint Ann students and parishioners about sportsmanship, teamwork and goal achievement using the principles of Christianity. This commitment has resulted in 41 sportsmanship awards, which we consider the hallmark of our program. For more information, contact Mr. Lucchesi, at stannathletics@gmail.com.
Basketball is our largest and most popular program with boys and girls teams for grades 3 through 8. As an added bonus, Saint Ann Catholic School provides a Saturday morning “Junior Falcons” instructional program for students in kindergarten through grade 2. Registration opens in early October. Our practices start later in October and games begin in December. The season ends in early March.
Volleyball is open to girls in grades 3 – 8 in the spring. Practices begin in March, followed by regular season matches.
We have a unique tennis program that works to foster the love of the game with our younger students in grades 1 – 3. The younger children learn the game and basic fundamentals. Students in grades 4 – 8 participate in NVJCYO league play. Registration begins in August.
Track and Field
All students in grades 3 – 8 are invited to participate in the NVJCYO Track & Field. There are meets held twice a year in fall and spring. Registration starts in early September.
Sports Forms